2003 Perennial Symposium

This page contains expanded information on the demonstrations from the 2003 Perennial Symposium.

Vegetative Perennial Cuttings

Comparison photos of trays and liners from various suppliers.

Vegetative Cutting Suppliers (76k .pdf)
List of the seven suppliers who provided unrooted perennial cuttings for the vegetative perennial cutting evaluation demonstration for the 2003 Perennial Symposium.

Enhanced Perennial Seed Germination

Comparison photos of raw vs. enhanced seed lots from various suppliers.

Germination of Perennial Seed (224k .pdf)
Handouts from Allen R. Pyle's talk at the 2003 Perennial Production Conference, focusing on tips and tricks for improving perennial germination, including information on enhanced perennial seed.

Perennial Germination Requirements (88k .pdf)
Newly updated table of temperature and other requirements for successful germination of perennials. Expanded from the handout from Allen R. Pyle's talk at the 2003 Perennial Production Conference.

UPDATED Table of Results of Germination of Enhanced Perennial Seed (124k .pdf)
Updated handout from Allen R. Pyle's demonstration at the 2003 Perennial Production Conference. Details specific germination results from a trial of enhanced perennial seed of multiple species from multiple suppliers.