Plant Databases

I can really geek out doing plant research, and love libraries and databases. North Carolina State University has a sparkly and new database worthy of note:  Floriculture InfoSearch. It searches an interesting and wide range of sources: scientific literature, trade group and association magazines and websites, NC State University, and the American Floral Endowment Floriculture Archive (which includes literature back to the 1800s). I’ve found it such an excellent resource that I created a new page here, Databases. There you can find links to this and other plant-related databases worth investigating. Enjoy!


A Toast to Horticulture!

In the 21st century, Horticulture has not been an easy career or business to succeed in.  Many, if not most, professionals are in the industry more for their love of growing plants than for the money. Long hours are the norm during peak production periods, and the work can be exhausting and stressful at times. There are definitely rewards, but it is passion for plants that fuels the industry. Continue reading

2014 New Variety Time!

2014?  But 2012 isn’t even over…

While home gardeners ponder their seed orders for 2013 (I’ve been reviewing the new Johnny’s and SSE catalogs, and was happy to pick up the High Mowing catalog at the EXPO trade show), the wholesale horticulture world is getting presentations on new varieties being introduced for the 2014 season.  The industry gets advance notice to evaluate and trial varieties before they reach the market and to get programs finalized and catalogs printed in time for the 2014 sales season. Continue reading